Formation de base en radioprotection


L’article 53.3.3 de l’arrêté royal du 20 juillet 2001 portant règlement général de la protection de la population, des travailleurs et de l'environnement contre le danger des rayonnements ionisants (RGPRI) stipule que, pour obtenir une autorisation pour l'utilisation de rayons X à des fins de diagnostic dentaire, un dentiste doit suivre une formation en radioprotection spécifique aux dentistes, portant sur les aspects suivants :
  • les effets sur la santé résultant de l'exposition aux radiations ionisantes;
  • les règles pratiques de radioprotection, y compris leurs bases physiques et les méthodes de mesure de rayonnements;
  • la législation belge en radioprotection;
  • l'estimation et l'évaluation des doses auxquelles le patient est exposé ainsi que leur distribution selon les techniques utilisées pour les examens radiographiques dentaires.
En outre, le dentiste doit subir avec succès un contrôle de connaissance sur ces matières.

Les titulaires d’un diplôme belge de médecine dentaire obtenu lors des années académiques dont le programme incluait les matières précitées satisfont à ces conditions.

Pour garantir un traitement équitable des dossiers des dentistes disposant d’un diplôme datant d’avant ces années académiques ou d’un diplôme étranger, et pour éviter qu’ils ne doivent suivre une formation dont ils connaissent déjà la matière, les universités belges vous offrent la possibilité de participer librement à une épreuve de connaissance :
« Radioprotection en relation avec la législation belge ».

Two-days course for radioprotection certification in dentistry


Monday, September 4 and Tuesday, September 5, 2017

This two days course complies with the legally set training hours and course material, and subsequent evaluation.  After both days of successful attendance, you may obtain a basic certificate, allowing to request a FANC/AFCN license for use of basic dental radiology in practice.


The lecturers are Prof. Klaus Bacher (University Gent) and Prof. Reinhilde Jacobs (University Leuven)

Klaus Bacher is a civil engineer in physics and master in biomedical and clinical engineering. He is medical physics expert in the disciplines of radiology and nuclear medicine, recognized by the FANC. In 2006 he obtained his PhD in medical physics. Currently, he is professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Ghent University and visiting professor at the University of Liège. He is lecturing medical imaging, medical physics and dosimetry courses. His research interests mainly focus on dose-image quality assessments of new diagnostic imaging modalities. He is (co)author of more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals.


Reinhilde Jacobs is dentist, Doctor in Dental Sciences (PhD University of Leuven), periodontologist (KU Leuven) and Master in Dental Radiology (University of London). She is full professor at the University of Leuven and visiting professor at the Dalian Medical University (China). R. Jacobs is heading the omfs impath research group of the KU Leuven. She is European Director of the International Association of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, past president of the European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology and EAO board member. She is associate editor of Clinical Oral Investigations, European Journal of Oral Implantology, and Oral Radiology. In 2013, she received a Dr Honoris Causa at the "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca.




Programme Monday, September 4, 2017

10.00-10.30 Ionising radiation: physical interactions and associated risks

10.30 coffee break

10.50-12.20 Dental X-ray imaging: a focus on technology, image quality and dose

12.20-13.20 Lunch

13.20-14.50 Patient and staff dosimetry in dental X-ray imaging

14.50 coffee break

15.10-16.40 European guidelines and Belgian regulations on medical use of ionizing radiation

16.40-18.00 Evaluation of the presented course material


Programme Tuesday, September 5, 2017

9.00-10.30 Ionising radiation in the dental practice: where are the dangers?

10.30 coffee break

10.50-12.20 Radioprotection in the dental practice: how to organize the practice?

12.20-13.20 Lunch

13.20-14.50 Radioprotection in the dental practice: staff protection

14.50 coffee break

15.10-16.40 Radioprotection in the dental practice: patient protection

16.40-18.00 Evaluation of the presented course material (certification examination)


Course direction: Prof. R. Jacobs, OMFS-IMPATH research group & MKA, department Imaging & Pathology, KU Leuven

Dates: Monday September 4, 2017 & Tuesday September 5, 2017 (9-17h)

Registration: 420 euro for 2-day package including coffee/lunch – 380 euro for LUTV members 2017

Account BE60 7340 0666 0370, BIC KREDBE BB of KU Leuven, using structured transfer code: 400/0014/47864

RIZIV/INAMI accreditation request ongoing: 80 AE in area 3

Venue: will be communicated later

Information & registration: – 016/33.75.57 (not on Fridays)




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